How smoothly this change has taken place..we all started our journey with an aspiration to make a difference to this corporate world. We knew we had the strength – to stand the pressure, the knowledge to enlighten around and the wisdom to make a difference! Life was so full of enthusiasm and hope. The liveliness, the happiness, the laughter and the joy we had on our faces was so pure and divine. We thought of ethics of values and of principles; we spoke of our rights and our duties; we used jargons and phrases.
But it has all changed..Certainly it has! Can’t judge whether for good or for bad..Because everyone has his own ways of looking at life. What might seem like challenging for me might seem frustrating for someone. What seems like boring to me might seem to be exciting for someone! So there is no way to judge anyone. But somewhere down the line, your unconscious mind has started judging others. Their ways of living, the thinking has altered, mutated! You are not the same person which you were few months back. We all call it being mature or being practical. But is it true that these are the ways to suppress the realization that you have changed…with or without wanting to change!
Desperate to get into the corporate world, to make that mark of yours was what we aspired then. But does it come with the cost of not being able to express your joy fearlessly? Why do we have to think of consequences before even putting one step ahead? Has life become so unpredictable? Or may be it has become so predictable that you can already think of the consequences and alter your ways!

Last…do we even give it a thought? Can we spare a few moments a day to ponder on such small things in life…which give genuine happiness…to us, to people and to the small world around us??